These five sholkas normally proceed all satsangas and are prayers to Shri Vallabh, Shri Gosaiji, Guru and God (as Shri Nathji) and Shrimada Bhagvatam.
Chintasantaanhantaro, yadpadanambuj renhva
Swiyanan taanijacharyan, pranahmaami muhur-muhur.
The divine dust from Shri Vallabhs lotus feet is capable of conquering all the worries of his devotee (or follower.) Therefore, I always bow to him.
Yadnugrahatojantu sarvadhukhatigo bhavet
Tamaham sarvadavande Shrimad Vallabhanandanam.
I also bow to Shri Gusainji (Shri Vithalnathji) who is son of Shri Vallabh. Shri Gusainjis blessings are also capable of giving freedom from worries of all living being.
Agyaanatimirandhasya gyaananajana shalakaya
Chakshurunmilitan yane tasmei Shriguruve Namha.
I bow to my gurudev (Shri Vallabh) who is capable of giving me knowledge of spiritual and physical world. It is like a path of light to live the life (conquer the darkness.)
Namani haradeye shaeshae lilashirabadhishayinam
Lakshmisahastralilabhi sevyamaanakalanidhim.
In the heart of Shri Mahaprabhuji which is full of love. In that heart there are thousands of devotees from vraj and ocean of achievements of an incarnation. Also Shri Krshna is pleased by this achievements. I bow to that Shri Krshna who is pleased by such achievements.
Charturbhishcha Charturbhishcha Charturbhishcha
Shadbhirviraajate yosoh Panchadha hardeyemama.
In the tenth section of Shrimad Bhagavatam there is description of Shri Krshnas achievements of his childhood. There are five sub sections of this 10th section. All these five sub sections describes the acts of Shri Krshna and Gopis with passion, devotion and tranquillity. I urge for all these acts always stay in my heart and I bow to Shri Krshna within my pure and pious heart.
Written, Edited and Translated by Shri Jayeshbhai Gandhi (Houston, Texas)
Dilipbhai Bhatia from Bharain also contributed to this article.