"Krishna as ShriNathji"
Paintings from Amit Ambalal's book of the same title
If I was on a desert island, and had choice of just one book to take with me, it would be this one. It is a uniquely wonderful book with excellent write up and equally excellent collection of original paintings. Paintings in the book are from Amitbhai's own private collection of Vaishnavait art. His rich and varied collection is wonderfully tempered by a deep understanding of art, culture and philosophy.
As all the paintings in this particular gallery are from his book, and consequently his collection, all rights are reserved by Amitbhai Ambalal. It is by his express permission that they are reproduced here.
Please respect his copyright on this matter.
Mangala during the winter months, Lord wears a quilted coat overnight and a charcoal brazier, angathi, is setup in the room to chase away the early morning chill. 30kb
Arti, full version and detail of the Goswami doing the Arti, allowing the devottess to observe the minute details of the shringar by light of special lamp(s). 36kb & 23kb
Snaan yatra, a rare oppertunity to observe the Lord being bathed in public by his servants. A summer festival borrowed from the rituals at JagganNath Puri in Orrisa. 75kb
Typical Summer scene, Lord is wearing very light clothes, temple servants are cooling the inner sanctum by pouring water on all its floors and outer walls, and a rajput king is adoring the Lord while musicians play classical melodies nearby. 54kb
Eclipse full version, and details of the Lord's dress. Shri Nathji protects all his creation at this most important event and the doors of the inner sanctum do not close till the eclipse is over. 54kb & 7kb
Divali and NewYear, a clever montage depicting all the significant events during this very importnat festive season all rolled into one ! 94kb
Hatadi, a kiosk set up by the Navanitlal to sell various wares and foods to the denziens of Vraj. This is set up on the evening of Divali, after Gopuja. 61kb
Wonderful darshan of how lively the atmosphere in the inner-sanctum was during holi / Dol in the mid 18th century when this painting was painted. 67kb
Lively painting of Vitthalnathji and Swaminiji celebrating Dol-festival in their walled garden. Located to the right of the main courtyard, this garden is still occasionally used by Vitthalnathji during holi, summer and monsoon festivals. 70kb
GoPuja, and detail of the Lord in a golden palaquin. Lord offers worship to cows and the mount Govardhan, the central theme of the New Year celebrations at Nathadwara. 66kb & 6kb
Krshna sleeping on a pipal leaf, vision first given to Markandya Rishi and later eulogied by everyone, including Shri MahaPrabhuji. (line drawing) 21kb
Line drawing of Shri Navnit Priyaji sitting in the veranda of his own haveli at Nathadwara during the hot summer months. 39kb
Shri NavnitPriyaji in all his festive finery. Jewels overflow from his person onto the gadi, and all HE cares for is the ball of butter in His hands !! 7kb
Hindola, Shri Madan Mohanji, officiating for Shri Nathji, swings in this wonderfully painted wodden hindola, surrounded by adoring Goswamies and devottes - monsoon festival. 55kb
Shri Madan Mohanji, so handsom as to even charm the God of Love! Dressed in a light adbandha (sarrong), the Lord plays is flute from a red sandstone pavillion, set in a kamal kunj - a lake overflowing with lotuses ! This painting graces the cover of the book "Krishna as Shri Nathji" 30kb
Shri Dwarkadhishji of Kakaroli, near Nathadwara, in a painted pavillion. Absence of lotuses and the red sky in the back suggest that this could be the sandhya (evening) arati. 24kb
Shri GokulNathji, the only Nidhi Svarup to have stayed on in Vraj during the terrible reign of Aurangzeb. Lord is accompanied by his two sakhies. 23kb
Vallabh kula, Family portrait of Acharya Shri Mahabrabhuji, Shri Gosaiji and his seven sons on the banks of Shri Yamunaji, attended by devottes. 75kb
Line drawing of cows by the famous painter Ghasairama of Nathadwara - 19th Century - his style revolutionalised the way ShriNathji was represented in art. 20kb
Line drawing of monkeys, captured in their various moods of mischief by the highly talented 19th Century painter Ghasairama, the most favoured painter of the Tilkayat and Goswamies of his time. 20kb
Detail of Suraj Pole, Eastern Gate of the haveli at Nathadwara. Over looking the Govardhan Chok, this is the gate visitors first see before entering the inner complex of the Haveli. 44kb
Please reffer to the book for further details about the painters, paintings and their significance to art, culture and religion. Some of the festivals depicted here are described in detail on this site, please reffer to the festival section for eye witness accounts of these highly colourful events.
Index of ShriNathji's Galleries
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