Christian |
Hindu |
Moses Parting the sea |
Vasudev parting the Yamuna river during the monsoon floods. |
Virgin birth of Christ |
Virgin birth of Sita, Krupa, Krupe, Drona, Drupadi, Dhrustadhyman etc. |
Jesus curing leprosy |
Krushna curing hunchback Kubja when he first came to Mathura. |
Jesus raising the dead |
* Rama raising from death his entire Vanar army after the winning the battle
with Ravana
Jesus feeding the masses on some bread and fish and turning water into wine |
* Jamadagni feeding Sahashtrajun’s army
Jesus walking on water |
Rama created a floating bridge of stones that allowed his entire army to cross the ocean. |
Resurrection of Christ |
Resurrection of Satyavan thanks to his wife Savitri |
© Bhagwat Shah
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